Halsskov Færgehavn – Vandsportscenter
Udvikling af Halsskov Færgehavn til internationalt vandsportscenter
Halsskov Færgehavn – Vandsportscenter
Udvikling af Halsskov Færgehavn til internationalt vandsportscenter
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The project is an architectural intervention that will ensure accessibility to the water and water sports activities at the old ferry port. in Hasskov.
The diving tower is the area’s visible marker. The tower is designed for a jump from 4, 8 and 11 meters and has a distinctive yellow signal colour that can be seen from the Great Belt Bridge. The tower is made of three stacked containers, that turn gradually to generate an interesting interaction between activity, shadows and volumes. As a continuous theme, the project recycles as many materials as possible from the former port, either directly or through upcycling.
The area’s boundaries and benches consist of the former bulwarks from the ferry port, while new wooden decks consist of sawn bulwark. The facility buildings, also built by containers, are covered with heat treated wood from sustainable forestry that ensures minimal maintenance. On the energy side, LED lighting is used to minimize total consumption.
Bidrag til omgivelser
Halsskov Færgehavn har i en lang periode ligget ubrugt hen. Men i 2016 besluttede Slagelse Kommune at igangsætte udviklingen af området til et vandsportscenter med internationalt ambition, og kommunen etablerede derfor et samarbejde med Sweco Architects A/S. Visionen er at Halsskov Færgehaven, med sin unikke placering, med udsigt til Storebælt broen, og historie, i fremtiden vil blive et samlingssted for en lang række forskellige vandsports udøvere og lokalbefolkningen, samt styrke turismen i regionen.
Parter bag projektet
Bygherre: Slagelse Kommune
Arkitekt: Sweco Architects
Ingeniør: Sweco
Hovedentreprenør: Vækst & Miljø A/S
Halsskov Havn 10
4220 Korsør